About ICF

Johanna Karemere

ICF Country Representative: PMI Measure Malaria Resident Advisor
Johanna is a dual medical doctor and master of public health practitioner with more than 10 years of experience in international health monitoring and evaluation.

Johanna (M.D.-M.P.H.) is a public health expert with nearly 15 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation. She coordinates and implements the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Johanna manages project directives and ensures communication among project staff, PMI/DRC, and country partners. She also has technical supervisory responsibilities for the DRC project team. Johanna provides leadership and consultative engagement with government agencies at all levels, and she collaborates with agencies to ensure country ownership and sustainability of project activities.

Johanna is experienced in the field of primary health care, and she focuses on program and data management. She has proven capabilities in monitoring and evaluation (M&E), including plan development and implementation and the development of performance frameworks for projects.

Earlier in her career, Johanna coordinated M&E interventions for Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results Evaluation (MEASURE) — a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) program that strengthens capacity in developing countries and uses data to improve health. While there, she implemented centers of excellence and their expansion in other provinces. She also worked for the International Rescue Committee on the Programme de Santé Intégré de l'USAID en République Démocratique du Congo (PROSANI USAID), known in English as USAID’s Integrated Health Program project as a health technical advisor and health manager.

Johanna also has experience as a technical assistant for the Provincial Division of the South Kivu Health Unit and as a medical doctor in South Kivu hospitals in the DRC. She earned a medical degree from Bukavu Catholic University and a master’s in public health from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Catholique de Louvain, and Université de Liège in Belgium.

  • M.D.-M.P.H., Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Catholique de Louvain, and Université de Liège in Belgium
  • M.D., Bukavu Catholic University
  • Johanna Karemere and all, Supportive Supervision Visits to Identify Gaps in Data Management and Use at the Provincial Level in the Democratic Republic of Congo ,ASTMH 2021
  • Johanna Karemere and all, Associating the scale-up of insecticide-treated nets and use with the decline in allcause child mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2005 to 2014, Malaria Journal ,may 2021
  • Eugène Kuamba, Christian Molima, Johanna Karemere, Safari Joseph Balegamire, and Hermès Karemere : Determinants of Using the Modern Health Care in the Bagira Health Zone: Cases of Children Under 5 Years Old with Malaria, Acta Scientific Medical sciences journal ,September 2021
  • Johanna Karemere1 and all; “Improvement in malaria data quality and use in the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Supported Provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2015 to 2019”ASTMH 2020
  • Johanna Karemere, Anémies : facteurs associés, cas des USA et des pays en voie de développement, Editions universitaires européennes (30.08.2019)
  • Johanna Karemere and all, “Performance of health facilities selected as “Centers of Excellence” (COEs) compared with non-COEs in select health zones supported by the President’s Malaria Initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ASTMH 2018
  • Ismael G. Nana1, Johanna Karemere1, Olivier Kakesa1, Jacques Emina2, Joris Losimba Likwela3, Aboubacar Sadou4, Mame Niang5, Michael Humes6, Yazoumé Yé 1, Expansion of Malaria Control Interventions Associated with the Decline of All-Cause Child Mortality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 2005 to 2015, ASTMH 2018
  • Johanna Karemere1, Jadhoul Nkongolo1, Ramine Bahrambegi1, Olivier Kakesa1 “Centers of excellence in Monitoring and Evaluation: An approach to improving data quality for effective decision making in Democratic Republic of Congo”, ASTMH 2017
  • Olivier Kakesa, Jadhoul Nkongolo, Johanna Karemere, Yazoume Ye, Ramine Bahrambengi, Ismael Nyanzi, Joris Likwela, Isabel Brodsky “Assessment of Data Use for Malaria Program Decision Making in the Democratic Republic of the Congo”. ASTMH 2017
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